
December Newsletter

A Message From Beth

This past week, the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors unanimously approved our final three-year strategic plan.


ACEC Ohio Hosts PSMJ Principals Bootcamp

Join us on Wednesday, January 29 and 30, 2025 for this executive education course and apply actual examples, tools, templates, and techniques with your instructor Tim Griffin!


ACEC Ohio Board of Directors Nominations

Offices to be filled include Secretary-Treasurer, ACEC National Director, two At-Large Directors, Northeast Ohio Director, and Northwest Ohio Director.


ACEC Ohio Chapters' Legislative Fly-In Events Scheduled for January

Join us in January for ACEC Ohio’s Legislative Fly-In events to engage with state legislators and advocate fo key engineering issues.


ACEC Ohio Scholarship Applications Now Open

As an ACEC Ohio member, you play a key role in shaping our industry’s future. Each year we award four regional scholarships totaling $2,500 each year—help us spread the word!


Share this opportunity with engineering students in your network and encourage them to apply.


Scholarships are available for juniors, seniors, and grad students pursuing an engineering or surveying degree at an ABET-accredited institution. The deadline to apply is Monday, January 13, 2025.


Follow us on socials to stay involved!

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